- Replaces Part #: YPXY8, 331-0723, 332-0405, 332-0410, 331-0777, YX24V, C5GC3, H89YG, 331-0724, 332-0409, 331-0780, 332-0404, 3310724, MHT79, XMX5D, MHT79, 89KJM, 331-0725, 332-0406, 332-0408, 331-0779, 3310725, J95NM, WM2JC, J95NM, 4R4G5, 331-0722, 332-0403, 332-0407, 331-0778, XKP2P
- Manufacturer:USA
- Manufacturer Part Number: YPXY8, 331-0723, 332-0405, 332-0410, 331-0777,YX24V,C5GC3,H89YG, 331-0
- Color: 4Color
- Maximum Yield: K-2K, CMY-1.4K
- Warranty: 2 Years
- Product Type: OEM Equivalent (with new components)
Made in the USA Remanufactured Black Toner for use in the Dell 1250C, 1350CNW, 1355CN, 1355CNW, C1760NW, C1765NF, C1765NFW Printer Models. All replacement parts are new and the cartridge is remanufactured in the United States of America and supports local manufacturing jobs. Tonerstore.com's made in USA remanufactured cartridge comes with a 2 year quality and satisfaction guarantee and will not void your machine's warranty. Although our remanufactured replacement for the Dell 1250COLORSET toner is not manufactured by Dell , the page yield meets or exceeds OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) page yield and offers comparable printing results.